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Meta’s AI tool cannot be disabled

Meta's AI tool cannot be disabled

Meta AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence techniques to improve the process of developing and deploying other AI systems. This can include tasks such as automating aspects of data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and even automating the design of neural network architectures. Essentially, meta AI aims to make the process of creating and optimizing AI models more efficient and effective. You can currently access Meta AI for free on the web at Meta.ai, on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp.

How to disable Meta on Facebook

Facebook app has one of the most highlighted Meta AI integrations. Opening the app and clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner will still take you to the search bar, but will now show the logo, example prompts for what to ask Meta AI, and a brief command to ask it anything.

Our regular search function haven’t gone away. Search for a friend’s name, or a specific event and you’ll get the same results you always have. The difference is that, mixed in with those results, you’ll also now get AI-powered suggested searches, indicated by the Meta AI logo to their left (non-AI suggestions will instead have a magnifying glass next to them).

Clicking on a response with the Meta AI logo will take you from your search into a chat window with AI, where you can interact with it like any chatbot, or go back to your search by pressing the “X” button in the top left corner. Pressing enter without clicking on any of the suggested searches will also continue the search as usual.

Unfortunately, there’s not an easy way to turn it off for now. Facebook’s support page offers no such solutions, and asking Meta AI how to disable it gives conflicting answers, none of which worked in our testing.

That doesn’t mean there’s no hope, though. All Meta AI integration is currently marked with the logo, so if you’re not seeing it, you know that your content is coming from a real person (or at least a more old-fashioned kind of bot). Additionally, when you’re in a chat it, you can long press an answer to rate it, remove it, pin it, or copy it. Group owners can also stop it from latching itself onto their posts by going to their group, tapping on the three dots in the top right, tapping “Add features,” scrolling to Meta AI, and clicking “remove” in the settings tab next to “Help members get info.”

How to disable Meta AI on Instagram

Instagram’s Meta AI integration is more tame than Facebook’s, as it will only show up when you click on the search bar, and functions in much the same way as on its sister app. Its search suggestions will be mixed in with more traditional ones and marked with its iridescent logo, while non-AI search suggestions will instead have a magnifying glass next to them. Clicking on a Meta AI suggestion will open a chat—actually the same chat log from Facebook or any other Meta app—where you will be able to rate or remove its answers.

Sadly, there’s also no way to strictly disable it, which can be doubly frustrating, since I’m probably more likely to search for “how to peel an onion” or “how to cut an avocado” here than on Facebook proper. Just pay attention to the icon next to your suggested searches, and you should be able to avoid the AI for now.

How to disable Meta AI on Messenger and WhatsApp

Messenger and WhatsApp have the lightest Meta AI integration—here, the chatbot is essentially just treated as another person in your contacts. Clicking on your conversation with it will open the chatbot, which again will remember any questions you might have asked it in any other Meta-owned apps. 

Aside from that, the only other integration is a small icon in either the lower center or upper right hand corner of your screen, depending on your app. Clicking on the icon will also open your conversation with Meta AI, which is important if you delete your chat.

That’s right, there’s actually a way to “remove” Meta AI from these apps. Just delete your conversation with it like any other, and it’ll disappear from your contacts list. The small icon will remain elsewhere in the app’s UI, presumably to give you a way to start up a new conversation if you accidentally delete yours, but aside from that, the AI presence here is entirely unobtrusive.

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